Results for 'Кенуль БУНЬЯДЗАДЕ'

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  1.  60
    The high incidence and bioethics of findings on magnetic resonance brain imaging of normal volunteers for neuroscience research.N. Hoggard, G. Darwent, D. Capener, I. D. Wilkinson & P. D. Griffiths - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (3):194-199.
    Background: We were finding volunteers for functional magnetic resonance imaging studies with abnormalities requiring referral surprisingly frequently. The bioethics surrounding the incidental findings are not straightforward and every imaging institution will encounter this situation in their normal volunteers. Yet the implications for the individuals involved may be profound. Should all participants have review of their imaging by an expert and who should be informed? Methods: The normal volunteers that were imaged with magnetic resonance (MR) which were reviewed by a consultant (...)
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    Contribution of ethics education to the ethical competence of nursing students.N. Cannaerts, C. Gastmans & B. D. D. Casterle - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (8):861-878.
    Aims: To review the literature on perceptions of nursing students and/or educators on the contribution of ethics education to ethical competence in nursing students. Background: Nurses do not always demonstrate the competencies necessary to engage in ethical practice. Educators continue to debate about the best ways to teach ethics to nurses so that they can develop ethical competencies. Data sources: MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Web of Science. Review methods: A total of 15 articles with a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods (...)
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    Lesion analysis of the brain areas involved in language comprehension.N. F. Dronkers, D. P. Wilkins, R. D. Valin, B. B. Redfern & J. J. Jaeger - 2003 - Cognition 92 (1-2):145-177.
  4.  21
    Effects of early protein malnutrition on learning in the rat.N. R. Remley, D. R. Armstrong, D. P. Gilman & L. F. Mercer - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (5):377-379.
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    Response to Commentary (1).N. Cannaerts, C. Gastmans & B. D. D. Casterle - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (6):743-744.
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    Correlation between magnetic susceptibility and hydrogen solubility in alloys of early transition elements.D. W. Jones, N. Pessall & A. D. McQuillan - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (63):455-459.
  7. Rotational bands in the semi-magic nucleus Ni-57(28)29.D. Rudolph, I. Ragnarsson, W. Reviol, C. Andreoiu, M. A. Bentley, M. P. Carpenter, R. J. Charity, R. M. Clark, M. Cromaz, J. Ekman, C. Fahlander, P. Fallon, E. Ideguchi, A. O. Macchiavelli, M. N. Mineva, D. G. Sarantites, D. Seweryniak & S. J. Williams - unknown
    Two rotational bands have been identified and characterized in the proton-magic N = Z + 1 nucleus Ni-57. These bands complete the systematics of well-and superdeformed rotational bands in the light nickel isotopes starting from doubly magic Ni-56 to Ni-60. High-spin states in Ni-57 have been produced in the fusion-evaporation reaction Si-28(S-32, 2p1n)Ni-57 and studied with the gamma-ray detection array GAMMASPHERE operated in conjunction with detectors for evaporated light charged particles and neutrons. The features of the rotational bands in Ni-57 (...)
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  8.  65
    Notes and news.N. T. Walker, D. C. Whimster, T. E. B. Howarth & A. J. D. Porteous - 1954 - British Journal of Educational Studies 2 (2):170-176.
  9.  30
    Attitudes Towards Family Size and Family Planning in Rural Ghana—Danfa Project: 1972 Survey Findings.D. W. Belcher, A. K. Neumann, S. Ofosu-Amaah, D. D. Nicholas & S. N. Blumenfeld - 1978 - Journal of Biosocial Science 10 (1):59-79.
    SummaryThis report describes a family planning KAP survey conducted in 2000 households in rural Ghana between April and October, 1972, as one of the Danfa Project’s baseline studies. Subsequent re-surveys were done in 1975 and 1977 to assess changes related to project health education and family planning programmes.Reported knowledge about family planning was three times that reported in previous studies in rural Ghana. About 70% of the respondents approve of family planning, but most want a large family, with over six (...)
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    Driving Protein Conformational Cycles in Physiology and Disease: “Frustrated” Amino Acid Interaction Networks Define Dynamic Energy Landscapes.Rebecca N. D'Amico, Alec M. Murray & David D. Boehr - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (9):2000092.
    A general framework by which dynamic interactions within a protein will promote the necessary series of structural changes, or “conformational cycle,” required for function is proposed. It is suggested that the free‐energy landscape of a protein is biased toward this conformational cycle. Fluctuations into higher energy, although thermally accessible, conformations drive the conformational cycle forward. The amino acid interaction network is defined as those intraprotein interactions that contribute most to the free‐energy landscape. Some network connections are consistent in every structural (...)
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  11.  52
    Mughal Bibliography. Select Persian Sources for the Study of Mughals in India.M. J. D., Vicaji D. B. Taraporewala & D. N. Marshall - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (4):617.
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    Gender strategies and political leadership.N. V. Кhamitov & D. D. Dandekar - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 15:40-48.
    Purpose. The purpose of the article is to understand the issue of gender strategies of political leadership. Theoretical basis. The works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars helped to find out the specifics of male and female leadership. The article applied the latest methodology of androgyny-analysis. According to this methodology, sex has not only a biological, psychological and social, but also an existential dimension. So, the existential dimension of gender is soulfulness as an existential femininity and spirituality as an existential masculinity. (...)
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    The Conception of Properties as Entities: Its Presuppositions and Rationale.N. D. N. Measor - 1975
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  14. Samavāyavimarśaḥ.Pāṇḍuraṅgavitṭhalācārya Pāṇḍuraṅgī - 2005 - Beṅgalūru: Pūrṇaprajñasaṃśodhanamandiram. Edited by Vīranārāyaṇācārya Pāṇḍuraṅgī.
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    Tropical rain forests: potential source of new drugs?D. D. Soejarto & N. R. Farnsworth - 1988 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 32 (2):244-256.
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    ""Morality as impulse and ethics as" thinking" about morality.D. C. Thomasma & D. N. Weisstub - 2004 - In David C. Thomasma & David N. Weisstub, The Variables of Moral Capacity. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 21--309.
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  17. Neo-eugenics and disability rights in philosophical perspective.D. Wikler, E. Palmer, N. Fujiki & D. Macer - forthcoming - Human Genome Research and Society, Ii International Bioethics Seminar.
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  18.  81
    What is Public Health Legal Preparedness?Anthony D. Moulton, Richard N. Gottfried, Richard A. Goodman, Anne M. Murphy & Raymond D. Rawson - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (4):672-683.
    “Public health legal preparedness” is a term born in the ferment, beginning in the late 1990s, that has led to unprecedented recognition of the essential role law plays in public health and, even more recently, in protecting the public from terrorism and other potentially catastrophic health threats.The initial articulation of public health has not kept pace with rapid evolution in the concept and in practical development of public health preparedness itself. This poses the risk that legal preparedness may fall behind (...)
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  19. Śāṅkaravedāntakośah̤: praṇetā sampādakaśca Muralīdharapāṇḍeyah̤ ; Kulapateh̤ Ḍô. Maṇḍanamiśrasya prastāvanayā samalaṅkr̥tāh̤. Muralīdharapāṇḍeya - 1998 - Vārāṇasyām: Sampūrṇānanda Saṃskr̥ta Viśvavidyālayasya.
    Dictionary of the Vedanta philosophy of Śaṅkarācārya.
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  20.  45
    Size and structure of freely forming conversational groups.R. Dunbar, N. D. Duncan & D. Nettle - 1995 - Human Nature 6 (1):67-78.
    Data from various settings suggest that there is an upper limit of about four on the number of individuals who can interact in spontaneous conversation. This limit appears to be a consequence of the mechanisms of speech production and detection. There appear to be no differences between men and women in this respect, other than those introduced by women’s lighter voices.
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  21.  16
    Atomic-scale study of dislocation–stacking fault tetrahedron interactions. Part I: mechanisms.Y. N. Osetsky, D. Rodney & D. J. Bacon - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (16):2295-2313.
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  22.  32
    Physical properties of Lu1−xYbxNi2B2C.S. Li, M. C. De Andrade, E. J. Freeman, C. Sirvent, R. P. Dickey, A. Amann, N. A. Frederick, K. D. D. Rathnayaka, D. G. Naugle, S. L. Bud’ko, P. C. Canfield, W. P. Beyermann & M. B. Maple - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (20):3021-3041.
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    Free-ranging rhesus monkeys spontaneously individuate and enumerate small numbers of non-solid portions.Justin N. Wood, Marc D. Hauser, David D. Glynn & David Barner - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):207-221.
  24.  33
    Reviews :Minnis, Alastair. Magister Amoris: The "Roman de la Rose" and Vernacullar Hermeneutics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. 352. [REVIEW]N. D. Guynn & D. F. Bell - 2004 - Substance 33 (3):171-180.
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    Symposium: The Consequences of Actions.A. N. Prior & D. D. Raphael - 1956 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 30 (1):91 - 119.
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    Aupanishadika Brahmavidyā aura Śāṇḍilyavidyā.Mithileśa Pāṇḍeya - 2004 - Naī Dillī: Rādhā Pablikeśansa.
    Study of concept of Brahman in Upanishads with special reference to the philosophy of Śāṇḍilya.
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  27.  6
    Facial Attention and Spacetime Fragments.T. N. Davies & D. D. Hoffman - 2003 - Axiomathes 13 (3):303-327.
    Inverting a face impairs perception of its features and recognition of its identity. Whether faces are special in this regard is a current topic of research and debate. Kanizsa studied the role of facial features and environmental context in perceiving the emotion and identity of upright and inverted faces. He found that observers are biased to interpret faces in a retinal coordinate frame, and that this bias is readily overruled by increased realism of facial features, but not easily overruled by (...)
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  28. Index of Authors Volume 7, 2003.J. Ahern, D. G. Arnold, N. Atteya, A. Attia, D. F. Bean, M. W. Boscia, J. Brinkmann, T. Brown, S. Cahn & M. S. Connelly - 2003 - Teaching Business Ethics 7 (455).
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  29.  19
    Anin situfield ion microscope study of irradiated tungsten.R. M. Scanlan, D. L. Styris & D. N. Seidman - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 23 (186):1439-1457.
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  30. Facial Attention and Spacetime Fragments.T. N. Davies & D. D. Hoffman - 2003 - Global Philosophy 13 (3-4):303-327.
    Inverting a face impairs perception of its features and recognition of its identity. Whether faces are special in this regard is a current topic of research and debate. Kanizsa studied the role of facial features and environmental context in perceiving the emotion and identity of upright and inverted faces. He found that observers are biased to interpret faces in a retinal coordinate frame, and that this bias is readily overruled by increased realism of facial features, but not easily overruled by (...)
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    Ishkālīyat al-muṣṭalaḥ fī al-fikr al-Islāmī.Muḥyī al-Dīn & Mufīd Farīd - 2020 - Dimashq: Dār al-ʻAṣmāʼ.
  32.  8
    Akhlāq al-qūwah-- wa-qūwat al-akhlāq.Saʻd al-Dīn Maḥmūd Bazrah - 2011 - Jiddah: Kunūz al-Maʻrifah.
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    Tafʻīl al-qiyam wa-al-mafāhīm.Saʻd al-Dīn Maḥmūd Bazrah - 2011 - Jiddah: Maktabat Kunūz al-Maʻrifah.
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  34. Critical multiculturalism.L. Berlant, D. Bunn, V. Dharwadker, N. Field, D. Gaonkar, M. Ivy, B. Lee, Lof Lee, Xm Liu & M. Roberts - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (3):530-555.
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  35. Measuring the Effect of a Guideline-based Training on Ontology Design with a Competency Questions based Evaluation Approach.M. Boeker, N. Grewe, J. Röhl, D. Schober, S. Schulz, D. Seddig-Raufie & L. Jansen - 2013 - In M. Horbach, Informatik 2013. Informatik Angepasst an Mensch, Organisation Und Umwelt. pp. 1783-1795.
    OBJECTIVE: (a) To measure the effect of a guideline-based training on the performance of ontology developers compared with the performance after unspecific training by a competency question based evaluation; and (b) to provide empirical evidence for the applicability of competency questions in formal ontology evaluation in general. BACKGROUND: A close connection between ontology development and ontology evaluation as quality management procedure can been attained with the use of competency questions. Competency questions are often used as a semi-formal specification of requirements (...)
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  36.  34
    The challenges of offering public second trimester abortion services in south Africa: Health care providers' perspectives.J. Harries, N. Lince, D. Constant, A. Hargey & D. Grossman - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (2):197.
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  37.  21
    Problems and paradigms: Altering sex ratios: The games microbes play.Gregory D. D. Hurst, Laurence D. Hurst & Michael E. N. Majerus - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (10):695-697.
    The male gametes of most organisms lack cytoplasm. Consequently, most cytoplasmic genetic elements are maternally inherited: they cannot be transmitted patrilinnearly. The evolutionary interests of cytoplasmic elements therefore lie in transmission through the female. These elements may thus be in evolutionary conflict with nuclear genes which are transmitted by both sexes. This conflict is manifested in observations of cytoplasmically induced biased sex‐ratios. Some cytoplasmic genes avoid this fate by biasing the primary sex ratio towards females, or by inducing parthenogenesis. Others (...)
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  38. No man is an island: HIV/AIDS and the G8.H. Janjua, D. Postigo, R. Rowden, I. Viciani, J. C. Cohen, P. Illingworth, N. Daniels, D. W. Brock, D. B. Resnik & C. C. Macpherson - 2003 - Developing World Bioethics 3 (1):27-48.
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    Low-energy electron diffraction study of an aperiodic thin film of Cu on 5-fold i-Al-Pd-Mn.K. Pussi, D. E. Reid, N. Ferralis, R. McGrath, T. A. Lograsso, A. R. Ross & R. D. Diehl - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (13-15):2103-2110.
  40. Dialectical Perspectives in Philosophy and Social Science.P. N. Russo, E. D'angelo, D. H. Degrood & W. H. Truitt - 1987 - Science and Society 51 (3):367-370.
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  41.  6
    al-Islām wa-al-ākhar: samāḥat al-Islām wa-ʻalāqat al-Muslim bi-ghayr al-Muslim.ʻImād al-Dīn Zaydān Ṣaqr - 2022 - al-Quds: Dār al-Jundī lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  42.  20
    Anin-situfield ion microscope study of irradiated tungsten.R. M. Scanlan, D. L. Styris & D. N. Seidman - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 23 (186):1459-1478.
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    al-Ittijāh al-naqdī al-kalāmī ʻinda Saʻd al-Dīn al-Taftāzānī.Maḥmūd Muḥammad Rabīʻ Muḥammad ʻUthmān - 2017 - ʻAmmān: Dār Dijlah Nāshirūn wa-Muwazziʻūn.
    Taftāzānī, Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar, 1322-1389?; criticiam and intepretation; Islamic law; early works.
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  44. The Quantum Self.D. Zohar & I. N. Marshall - 1990 - Morrow.
    In The Quantum Self, Danah Zohar argues that the insights of modem physics can illuminate our understanding of everyday life -- our relationships to ourselves, to others, and to the world at large. Guiding us through the strange and fascinating workings of the subatomic realm to create a new model of human consciousness, the author addresses enduring philosophical questions. Does the new physics provide a basis by which our consciousness might continue beyond death? How does the material world (for instance, (...)
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  45.  71
    The neuropsychology of schizophrenia.J. A. Gray, J. Feldon, J. N. P. Rawlins, D. R. Hemsley & A. D. Smith - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):1-20.
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    Mental models and temporal reasoning.Walter Schaeken, P. N. Johnson-Laird & Gery D'Ydewalle - 1996 - Cognition 60 (3):205-234.
  47. Common knowledge. The development of understanding in the classroom.N. Mercer & D. Edwards - forthcoming - Common Knowledge: The Development of Understanding in the Classroom.
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  48.  64
    Examining the Effects of Incremental Case Presentation and Forecasting Outcomes on Case-Based Ethics Instruction.Alexandra E. MacDougall, Lauren N. Harkrider, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, Chase E. Thiel, Juandre Peacock, Michael D. Mumford, Lynn D. Devenport & Shane Connelly - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (2):126-150.
    Case-based reasoning has long been used to facilitate instructional effectiveness. Although much remains to be known concerning the most beneficial way to present case material, recent literature suggests that simplifying case material is favorable. Accordingly, the current study manipulated two instructional techniques, incremental case presentation and forecasting outcomes, in a training environment in an attempt to better understand the utility of simplified versus complicated case presentation for learning. Findings suggest that pairing these two cognitively demanding techniques reduces satisfaction and detracts (...)
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  49. Reasons Why Post-Trial Access to Trial Drugs Should, or Need not be Ensured to Research Participants: A Systematic Review.N. Sofaer & D. Strech - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (2):160-184.
    Background : researchers and sponsors increasingly confront the issue of whether participants in a clinical trial should have post-trial access (PTA) to the trial drug. Legislation and guidelines are inconsistent, ambiguous or silent about many aspects of PTA. Recent research highlights the potential importance of systematic reviews (SRs) of reason-based literatures in informing decision-making in medicine, medical research and health policy. Purpose: to systematically review reasons why drug trial participants should, or need not be ensured PTA to the trial drug (...)
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  50.  98
    Case-Based Ethics Instruction: The Influence of Contextual and Individual Factors in Case Content on Ethical Decision-Making.Zhanna Bagdasarov, Chase E. Thiel, James F. Johnson, Shane Connelly, Lauren N. Harkrider, Lynn D. Devenport & Michael D. Mumford - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):1305-1322.
    Cases have been employed across multiple disciplines, including ethics education, as effective pedagogical tools. However, the benefit of case-based learning in the ethics domain varies across cases, suggesting that not all cases are equal in terms of pedagogical value. Indeed, case content appears to influence the extent to which cases promote learning and transfer. Consistent with this argument, the current study explored the influences of contextual and personal factors embedded in case content on ethical decision-making. Cases were manipulated to include (...)
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